Easily create baby/gift registry on



Video on how to create baby/gift registries.

Video Coming Soon

1. Add a title for the new Baby/Gift Registry or edit an existing registry, (Click It’s Title).

And select if the registry is (public, or private with password protection)

2. Add the registrant’s name, email, and address.

(Optional) to add a co-registrant and email for notifications

3. Event Information. add the event date, event location, and event message.

4. Add a shipping address for where the items in the registry will be shipped.

First and Last name *: Your last name

Last name *: Your last name

Company Name *: if no company type (None)

Street address *: Name of your community

City *: Name of your City

Postcode / ZIP *: if none type (CiBS)

Country *: Add, the name of your Country

State *: Name of your community

5. Optional: to share public registry on Facebook, Twitter, email, or direct link.

See the instructions in the video (s) below.